Sensuality & Security Stack | RUDRAKSHA, TIGER'S EYE, PYRITE, BAMBOO
Benefits | This stack is meant to stimulate and balance the lower chakras. The Root or Base Chakra located at the base of our spine is the energy center and provides a sense of safety and security. The flight or fight mode, our survival instincts. The vitality and flow of energy begins at the root chakra. Therefore, it is essential that it remains open and well balanced to allow for chi to move seamlessly. The fiery color symbolizes the energy rising up from deep within the earth and traveling up through all the chakras to purify, cleanse and heal.
Rudraksha | is not a crystal but an organic seed that provides a deep state of tranquility and often used in meditation malas. They help to restore confidence and restore healing.
Tiger's Eye | represents courage and adaptability. It facilitates primal instincts and helps to stay focused. It is a stone of strength, power and protection. It carries the element of fire and supports the Solar chakra which in turn governs confidence and money luck.
Pyrite | carries the element of fire and masculinity. It is a stone of action and movement. It is very beneficial in enhancing courage and building confidence. Also known as a stone of determination. Often called the 'fool's gold', it promotes optimism and attracts prosperity.
Bamboo Red Beads | represents the wood element that feeds the fire element thus enhancing the properties of this bracelet further. It stands for good health and longevity. It is a symbol of good luck.